On this page, We provide a written blog of information from our Experts here at AutoTrek who have over 30 years of experience in the Automotive Industry. We provide this information to better inform you, the member, because we believe at our core that honest business is the best business. We want you to be knowledgable in any major purchase, especially so when it comes to vehicles. We will provide informational posts and blogs to better help you, find the right car and understand HOW to buy a car, and to look for the things that we look for.
Hi, my name is Dean Strawn. I am the owner and founder of AutoTrek with over 35 years of experience in the auto industry. For those that do not know our past, AutoTrek originated as a auto broker and auto club providing the community with discounts and information on auto related products and services.
Over the years we have grown and evolved into a credit union auto buying service with a retail location in Littleton. AutoTrek still offers auto club services and today we are going back to our roots by providing some valuable information on how to read a CARFAX report.